My floor has never been swept,
But I've got a @#$%-off attitude
And that's something that should be kept!"
- V.F.W., by The Dead Milkmen
What does this have to do with Chad Vernon? Zero. When I was younger, I had to mow my parents' lawn and I listened to The Dead Milkmen's Big Lizard In My Backyard album on my Walkman every dang time. It's a true punk rock classic and I finally remembered to buy it on CD and listened to it on the way to the office today.

On first glance, one would have to mention that Chad seems to be the most physically fit participant and that's nothing against the other gents. Chad works out four times a day for two-and-a-half hours in an attempt to make himself as titanic as the Colossus of Rhodes. It won't be easy, since the Colossus stands 107 feet high, but eating sixty nuggets in sixty minutes won't be easy, either, and you don't see The Gladiator shying away from that challenge now, do you?
Well, do you, punk?
Let me tell you something folks, Chad has not been training for a marathon for the past many months, he's been training for the 60 in 60 my friends! And if those were Bacon McNuggets, the show would be over, Chad would be the Michael Phelps of McNuggeting.
- The Rigging Ambassador
I put money on Chad so he better not fail me or else he'll be expecting nuggets of a different kind... on his bedroom pillows!
- The Furious FiPIer
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