Thursday, May 21, 2009

Security Breach!

60 In 60 photo leaked to the internetz!

This photo is officially listed as Unofficial. Actual, approved 60 In 60 images to come shortly.

Eagle One To Tranquility Base...

The nuggets have landed! I repeat, the nuggets have landed!
We have visual confirmation. James Sathre and Renee Ward have returned from McD's with 610 nuggets (a bonus box!) and what appears to be twelve gallons of dipping sauces in single serving aluminum-foil-sealed packs.

Thanks to James and Renee for being the most integral cogs. As I've mentioned before, no nuggets, no gorging; no gorging, no fun.

The Dignitaries Are Arriving...

I just saw a limo pull up...

60 In 60 In 60!

Sixty minutes to go!
I'm ravenous!


I've seen some of the contestants this morning and there's not a lot of laughing and joking. A lot of stone faces. Are they worried? I would be.

Dangerously Close!

We are moments away from...something. Is it glory? Is it pain? Is it something else entirely? Whatever it is, it's only two hours away!


Player Profile: Larry Tan

I was told that Larry Tan didn't want to look crazy for his photo. You tell me if he succeeded.

Anyway, for Larry's profile we're going to do something called Larry On Larry. It's Larry Tan in his own words!

Larry "Takeru Kobayashi" Tan here. You know it's not always about size. Some of us are quiet buffet inhalers... I mean "lovers." I'm not proud of my ability to gorge. I never admit my favorite seafood/Asian venue is the former Todai. I only discreetly suggest to my lunch compadres that we should partake of the Super Buffet off Rowland. Every time I order a Gigante burrito at Taqueria Real I hope no one notices. I don't happen to like Fresh Choice because the food isn't fried, heavy, meaty, or full of bacon. Sizzler salad bar, on the other hand, fits the bill well. To the casual observer, my 27 year exercise schedule may look like it's for health, but that is only partially true... at least 4 times a week I work out, bike to work, and bike at noon to eat gluttonously on Thursdays. I say ... BRING IT ON!!

(Editors' note: If you type the word "Larry" enough times, it loses all meaning. Larry, Larry, Larry, Larry, Larry, Larry, Larry, Larry....)