Many families travel far from home to get treatment for their seriously ill or injured children. The treatment may last a day, a month, or even longer. It's a long time to be away from home, or to divide a family.Ronald McDonald Houses around the world offer families a way to stay together, in proximity to the treatment hospital, and be comfortable and cared for during their stay.
Ronald McDonald House does good work and we couldn't think of a more appropriate charity to donate to.
In the true spirit of giving, what started as a penny-per-nugget donation level has escalated to a quarter-per-nugget level for some folks. The donation one-upsmanship has become almost more exciting than the impending nugget gorge! How's that for generous! The pressure is really on for the participants now, since every nugget in their mouths has a monetary value.
The donors are listed in the column on the right by donation level. Everyone's got different financial situations and there is no shame in donating at a lower level. It's all for the kids and every penny really does count.
Thanks to everyone who has pledged support so far. If you haven't thrown your name into the hat, but would like to, please let the librarian know.

All credit to eater and donor Larry Tan for the idea to charitize this fowl event. Yes,
charitize is a word, as far as you know.