The correct answer is this man:

"Well," you might ask, "how can he be Most Valuable if he's not even chowing down on artificially flavored chicken bits?" The answer is simple: Joe has volunteered - volunteered! -, I don't know how to put it delicately enough, so I'll use Joe's own words:
"I will standby with rubber gloves, paper towels, and receptacles, and will dispose of the output..."
I don't think that I need to define the word output as Joe is using it here. I also don't think that anyone reading this would argue about the value of Joe's sacrifice. He's basically jumping on a grenade that hasn't even been thrown.
Let's all show Joe some love by leaving some comments for him here, shall we? I, for one, can't thank him enough.
Stone cold dedication!
You are a brave, brave soul, my friend.
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