Thursday, May 14, 2009

Player Profile: Gerald Tiu

"What was once a lifeless mass of dead tissue is now a sophisticated man about town!"
- Dr. Frankenstein (Gene Wilder), regarding The Monster in Young Frankenstein

He may have been talking about his beloved creation or perhaps he was talking about the extraordinary rebirth that occurs every time Gerald Tiu sits down at the dinner table. Or something. Don't believe me? Read these salient facts about the player who's leading the polls:
  • Claim-To-Eating-Fame: 4 Surf & Turfs in one sitting.
  • Favorite Food: Steak, with a side of Steak
  • Favorite Sauce: Sweet & Sour, all the way
  • Most McNuggets in one sitting: 20
  • Scary Food-Related Moment: Once, at an all-you-can-eat Korean BBQ restaurant, he tried ordering more meat and was informed that there was none left. Danger!
The most important thing to remember when dining with Gerald is that all-he-can-eat includes all-you-can-eat, so keep your hands away from your plate or you're going to lose them.

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