Tuesday, May 19, 2009

"So, I pick up the ball and throw it to who?"

James Sathre of Team Nugget Support just went to McDonald's to lay the groundwork. Here's how it went, in James' own words:

So I just had a wonderful conversation with the manager at McDonalds. It went something like a Who’s On First-type routine.

James: "Can I get 600 chicken McNuggets?"
Manager: "No problem. What time?"
James: "Thursday of this week at noon."
Manager: "What time, though?"
James: "Noon."
Manager: "Yes, but what time at noon…..1, 2, 3……?"
James: "Twelve in the afternoon, during the lunch hour…?"
Manager: "Yes, but what time at noon?"

Even some old guy in line chimed in, and this was the manager! Anyways, the deed has been done. Get ready for 600 McNuggets!

We'll probably wind up with Filet-O-Fish, but whatever. We'll make it work.

Special thanks to James for heading into the heart of darkness.

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