Friday, May 15, 2009

Player Profile: Nino Ellington

Childhood shame parlayed into adult victory, Nino Ellington style:
"That is a Mens XL T-shirt and I was 2!" says Nino.

We here at 60 In 60 applaud Nino's perseverance through the twin minefields of Youth and Adolescence to bring us his quest for greatness.

Here's Nino today:
The guy eats furniture, for Pete's sake! Facilities can barely keep up with the demand! Nora is on full-time duty, sometimes quite literally shoveling oddly-shaped and brightly colored stool-y gizmos into Nino's cube!

Impress your friends at parties with these salient Nino Ellington factoids:
  • Favorite food(s): Katsu Curry Ramen, country fried bacon, and spam musubis.
  • Favorite Dessert: A microwaved old-fashioned donut with two scoops of cookie dough ice-cream on top, all at the same time.
  • Favorite Sauce: All of them.
  • Motto: Strike First, Strike Hard, Show No Mercy
In the words of Tim the Enchanter, "If you do doubt your courage, go no further..."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I've had country fried bacon!!! Place on Geary right? Friend's boyfriend is the chef/owner. Inventor of the chicken waffle sliders... mmmmmsoooo good