Thursday, May 14, 2009

In-Show Entertainment

There will be moments during the event where the spectators have to look away. Let's be honest. It's going to happen. Nobody could devote that much attention to something so foul. It's like sitting through Son Of The Mask in its entirety. Can't be done. Far be it from the 60 In 60 committee to neglect this aspect of the afternoon. If you're going to avert your gaze, we might as well give your gaze something to avert to.

On the big screen behind the participants, we'll be unspooling that modern day classic, Chicken Run.
La nouvelle coq'luche, indeed!

Special thanks to 60 In 60 superfan John Koester for coming up with the perfect motion picture accompaniment. Thank him when you see him, because I had picked Smokey & The Bandit for no discernible reason whatsoever.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

DAmN YOU Koester!