Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Final Wrap-Up

Hello and goodnight.

This will be the final posting of 60 In 60. We've got a lot of ground to cover, so let's get to it.

Final Nugget Eating Totals (by individual):
Gerald Tiu: 60 (in 19 minutes, with an additional 3 nuggets eaten in the remaining time)
James Trousdale: 60 (in 22 minutes, with an additional 3 nuggets eaten in the remaining time)
John Duncan: 60 (in 39 minutes)
Nino Ellington: 55
Ryan Howell: 53
Larry Tan: 52
Chad Vernon: 50
Greg Denton: 50
Micah Haley: 45
Brad Watkins: 38

Total Nuggets Eaten:
529 out of a possible 610 (McD accidentally gave us an extra box of ten)

Donation Amount Per Tier:
One cent per nugget: $5.29
Five cents per nugget: $26.45
Ten cents per nugget: $52.90
Twenty-five cents per nugget: $132.25

Total Donations Per Tier:
One cent per nugget x 14 donors: $74.06
Five cents per nugget x 14 donors: $370.30
Ten cents per nugget x 5 donors: $264.50
Twenty-five cents per nugget x 3 donors: $396.75

Total Donations:

That is awfully impressive. All donation monies go to the Ronald McDonald House. Hot diggety.

Genius 60 In 60 Quote:
"At this point, it's knowing when to trust a burp."
- John Duncan after that sixtieth nugget

I want to thank all the participants - donors, helpers, and consumers alike. Congratulations on a fantastically successful event.

Until next year...

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