Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Ok, one last post.

To everyone involved, here's looking at you:

The Final Wrap-Up

Hello and goodnight.

This will be the final posting of 60 In 60. We've got a lot of ground to cover, so let's get to it.

Final Nugget Eating Totals (by individual):
Gerald Tiu: 60 (in 19 minutes, with an additional 3 nuggets eaten in the remaining time)
James Trousdale: 60 (in 22 minutes, with an additional 3 nuggets eaten in the remaining time)
John Duncan: 60 (in 39 minutes)
Nino Ellington: 55
Ryan Howell: 53
Larry Tan: 52
Chad Vernon: 50
Greg Denton: 50
Micah Haley: 45
Brad Watkins: 38

Total Nuggets Eaten:
529 out of a possible 610 (McD accidentally gave us an extra box of ten)

Donation Amount Per Tier:
One cent per nugget: $5.29
Five cents per nugget: $26.45
Ten cents per nugget: $52.90
Twenty-five cents per nugget: $132.25

Total Donations Per Tier:
One cent per nugget x 14 donors: $74.06
Five cents per nugget x 14 donors: $370.30
Ten cents per nugget x 5 donors: $264.50
Twenty-five cents per nugget x 3 donors: $396.75

Total Donations:

That is awfully impressive. All donation monies go to the Ronald McDonald House. Hot diggety.

Genius 60 In 60 Quote:
"At this point, it's knowing when to trust a burp."
- John Duncan after that sixtieth nugget

I want to thank all the participants - donors, helpers, and consumers alike. Congratulations on a fantastically successful event.

Until next year...

Monday, May 25, 2009

Every Picture Tells A Story

Don't it?
These are the official photos of 60 In 60! The things depicted in these photos actually happened!

Note: My brilliant choice of accompanying music has been disabled by YouTube due to copyright issues. You'll just have to pretend that what you are hearing is as awesome as what you are seeing.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Security Breach!

60 In 60 photo leaked to the internetz!

This photo is officially listed as Unofficial. Actual, approved 60 In 60 images to come shortly.

Eagle One To Tranquility Base...

The nuggets have landed! I repeat, the nuggets have landed!
We have visual confirmation. James Sathre and Renee Ward have returned from McD's with 610 nuggets (a bonus box!) and what appears to be twelve gallons of dipping sauces in single serving aluminum-foil-sealed packs.

Thanks to James and Renee for being the most integral cogs. As I've mentioned before, no nuggets, no gorging; no gorging, no fun.

The Dignitaries Are Arriving...

I just saw a limo pull up...

60 In 60 In 60!

Sixty minutes to go!
I'm ravenous!